BVB's First Giveaway: Win a copy of Green Room

If you haven't seen it yet, let me just prepare you: Green Room, the latest thriller from writer-director Jeremy Saulnier, is fantastic!
This is visceral filmmaking at its finest.
Much like the punk band that finds itself trapped by a horde of scary Neo-Nazis, you will not be able to relax throughout this intense, bloody, all-around exceptional exercise in survival horror.
What's even better than seeing Green Room? Owning your own copy on Blu-Ray!
BVB: Blood Violence and Babes just happens to have an extra copy available, and we are thrilled to award it to the first reader who correctly answers the following questions.
Green Room stars the late Anton Yelchin, Imogen Poots and Patrick Stewart.
Each of these actors has a direct connection to either the Marvel and/or DC cinematic universe.
Hold on! Before you jump to email us that Stewart played Charles Xavier/Professor X in five "X-Men" movies, this contest is going to require a little more than just mental muscle memory to win the prize.
1) Imogen Poots previously starred with which two current MCU actors? Name the film, the two actors and their respective Marvel characters.
2) Anton Yelchin previously starred with which former DC superhero? Name the film, the actor and his/her DC character.
3) Patrick Stewart previously starred with another longtime character actor who was introduced to the MCU in 2012. Name the film, the actor and his/her MCU character.
To submit an entry for the contest, just go to the CONTACT page and provide your answers to each of the three questions and your full name and mailing address. Submissions are due by Thursday, July 14, 2016 at 5 p.m.
BVB will announce the winner on Friday, July 15, 2016 and immediately put the winning copy of Green Room in the mail.