Groovy! Ash vs Evil Dead Revs Up with Iconic Chainsaw Wine Stopper

It takes more than Deadites to keep Ashley J. Williams from saving the world from the dreaded Book of the Dead.
But you know one thing not even Ash can prevent?
That's right -- keeping a good bottle of wine from spoiling once open.
To celebrate the upcoming release of Season One of STARZ's fantastically gory (and groovy) Ash vs Evil Dead (arriving August 23, 2016 on Blu-Ray and DVD), the awesome folks at Anchor Bay Entertainment provided a little something to help loyal followers (OK, critics) preserve their spirits until the new season debuts on October 2.
That's right, world -- meet the one and only Chainsaw Wine Stopper!

This little beauty can't be found in your local S-Mart, or even tucked away on an aisle at the neighborhood ValueStop.
Some days, it pays to be a critic.
Editor's Note: We actually don't get paid. Reviewing shows and movies is a labor of love. That's what makes this nifty little piece of Evil Dead memorabilia so special!